Tuesday 25 March 2014

Edited: Resloved - Damco Fixed the problem: Problems with the design of shelving in our Corner Kitchen Cabinet - a lesson learnt.

*** Edited 27/5/14 - Damco has since fixed all the problems associated with the cabinetry. They provided, free of charge new shelve that was deeper than the original shelving. I was originally disappoint but having spoken to Szabi the project manager, he agreed to provide us with the fix. Very happy!!***

Further from the defects found during our kitchen install, we uncovered some shelving design flaws.

To be fair, we never discussed the corner cabinet shelving, as we assumed that the design would allow for maxing use of space. We were wrong to assume this.

We were never provided with information on what the corner shelving we would be provided.

This is our kitchen cabinet shelves - the large hole cut out has just wasted a heap of storage space. Damco has advise that we can change at a cost $$$$ to us. We were ever informed what the shelves would look like or consulted. I am annoyed about that, we are not kitchen specialist, and we only assume this would taken care off by Damco.

At the end of the day its a lesson learnt to find out in details/specification about everything; however, minute the detail.

My mum's corner cabinet is of the same dimension - her shelving design has been very well thought of by her kitchen designer. Her shelves are layered with appropriate depth maximising shelf space.

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