Thursday 20 February 2014

A dramatic change: The weird kitchen layout with two openings has finally been resolved & kitchen area has been enlarged

Carpentry work has now been completed and the 2 weird openings to the old small kitchens have now been sealed to allow us make much better use of the kitchen space.

To increase the size of the kitchen we also sealed up part of the large opening into the kitchen. Some might say reducing a large entrance into your kitchen and family area is blasphemy, but I wanted to dramatically enlarge our kitchen space, as I love entertaining and kitchen space, both in terms of bench space and cabinetry is extremely important to me.

TIP: In reducing the width of our entrance space from 2 meters to 1.1 metres, I intentionally increased in height of entrance to compensate the narrowing of the entrance. This will (in theory) visually compensate for the reduction of the entrance way.

TIP: To further extend the visual aesthetics, I have requested the removal and squaring off of all the edging, entrance trims, and cornices to transform the kitchen area into a clean and modern area.

Final sanding to flatten will occur tomorrow.

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